Animation Designer (Spine)


Software used

Employment Type

Working hours
Flexible working hours (8 hours + 1 hour break)
(1) Flexible hours: 7:00-10:00 / 16:00-19:00
(2) Core hours: 10:00-16:00
*Only for outsourced workers, working hours on request

Place of work

Salary and Compensation
①Monthly salary: ¥200,000 - ¥400,000 (*1)
②Hourly wage: ¥1,200
③Depending on the project in charge (*2)
*1 To be determined based on skills, work experience, and aptitude
*2 To be determined based on quantity and production period

Training and probationary period
①There is a probationary period 3-6 months (monthly salary 176,000 yen)
②There is a probationary period 3-6 months (hourly wage 1,100 yen)
③No probationary period

①All transportation expenses paid, various insurances
②All transportation expenses paid, various insurances, permanent employment
③No transportation expenses paid, no benefits

Vacations and vacation
125-130 days per year
►2 days off per week (Saturday, Sunday) and national holidays
►Year-end and New Year vacations
►Establishment anniversary
►Paid vacation (10 days granted after 6 months of employment)
►Summer vacation
►Ceremonial or condolence leave (*) *For regular employees only

Qualifications and Required Skills
①Working experience (any number of years)
②No working experience required
③Minimum of 2 years working experience

Welcomed skills
►Lovers of video and game production
►Experienced in Live2D, SpriteStudio, Maya, Max
►Graduates of art-related professional/university or CG college

Application Requirements

Notes on the works
Please send us your video works on CD-R or by file delivery.
 We will contact you shortly after screening of the documents and works.
 If you wish to have your work returned, please be sure to include a self-addressed envelope.

Send your work to
① By mail :

5-19-7 Honcho, Koganei-shi, Tokyo 184-0004
Manoir Musashino 201 To Artner Inoue, Inc.

② By e-mail:
Please send your work to the following e-mail address.

For inquiries, please contact